Environmental Compliance

Research Permits in Norway

General information on the Norwegian Environment Agency

Animal & Marine research

  1. Any experimentation on animals in Norway needs to comply with the Animal Welfare Act. Most guidance on this legislation is only available in Norwegian, but the Act is available in English
  2. The Food Safety Authority webpage (in Norwegian) outlines research activities that require review and approval.
  3. Any research performing marine work in waters under Norwegian jurisdiction must send an application to the Directorate of Fisheries. Application forms and instructions

Archaeological Research or Impact

  1. The Directorate for Cultural Heritage is responsible for the management of all archaeological and architectural monuments and sites and cultural environments.
  2. Any research that could disturb protected monuments and sites and their security zone requires permission from the Directorate.

Flights & UAVs

  1. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), requires an operation license from the Civil Aviation Authority
  2. Helicopter and fixed-wing flights can only be conducted by CAA-licensed operators. Civil Aviation Authority

Vessel/maritime research

  1. Any research that could affect maritime safety and navigation require a permit from the Norwegian Coastal Administration this applies to all work whether great or small, permanent or temporary, at sea, on land or in the air.
  2. Foreign state-owned or operated vessels, used for government non-commercial purposes, have admission to Norwegian territory only if they have obtained permission through diplomatic channels. Applications for admission must be presented to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or a Norwegian embassy.

Svaldbard Specific