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Permits and Environmental Consultation

Securing permits for fieldwork can be challenging with long lead times.  Although researchers are responsible for all permitting related to their fieldwork, the Battelle ARO team is available to assist and provide guidance throughout the permitting process.  Battelle ARO can help identify required permits and provide expertise in specific areas that require local knowledge or other key agency contacts.
For more information on permitting and environmental compliance in the most frequently proposed Arctic locations, visit the links below.  Please note that these are merely provided as a starting point, and it remains your responsibility to ensure you are meeting your permit and environmental obligations.



Permits - Alaska

Land Ownership

The Alaska Lands Viewer can be used to obtain contacts for relevant agencies and tribal entities. Each landowner has their own permitting requirements, and therefore it is recommended that research locations be limited to as few land owners as possible to reduce permitting needs.

Search for a place you wish to work, explore the map or view the Help ? to print a contact list.

Click on the map below to open it in a new window.




Toolik Field Station




National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106, State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Consultation for Projects with Ground Disturbance/Archaeology Work

Any proposed work with ground disturbance or archeology work is subject to consultation with the SHPO and other interested parties under Section 106 of the NHPA.

Endangered Species Act – Section 7

Endangered species are protected under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.

Marine Mammal Protection Act

Threatened and Endangered Species List




Managing Agency 

Short-tailed Albatross 



USFWS (Anchorage) 


Eskimo Curlew 



USFWS (Fairbanks) 


Spectacled Eider 




USFWS (Fairbanks) 


Steller's Eider 




USFWS (Fairbanks) 


Northern Sea Otter 




USFWS (Anchorage) 


Polar Bear 




USFWS (Fairbanks) 


Aleutian shield Fern 


USFWS (Anchorage) 


Leatherback Sea Turtle 






Steller Sea-lion, eastern population 





Bowhead Whale 



Finback Whale (Fin Whale) 



Humpback Whale 


Blue Whale 


Cook Inlet Beluga Whale 

North Pacific Right Whale 




Sei Whale 




Sperm Whale 



Green Sea Turtle 





Loggerhead Sea Turtle 






Olive Ridley Sea Turtle 




Wood Bison 





Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Land Disturbance and Vegetation Clearing

Projects that include Land Disturbance and Vegetation Clearing should be aware of nesting birds in the area.

Times To Avoid Land Disturbance & Vegetation Clearing Forest / Woodland Shrub / Open Seabird Colonies Incl. Cliff & Burrow Colonies Eagles *e
Southeast 15 April - 15 July *a 1 May - 15 July *a,b 1 May - 5 Sept 1 Mar - 31 Aug
Kodiak Archipelago     15 April - 7 Sept  
Southcentral Lake Illiamna to Copper River Delta; north to Talkeetna 1 May - 15 July *a,b      
Bristol Bay/AK Peninsula north to Lake Illiamna 1 May - 15 July *a,b,c   10 May - 15 Sept  
Interior north of Talkeetna to south slope Brooks Range; west to treeline 1 May - 15 July *a,b   1 May - 20 July *d  
Aleutian Islands N/A 25 April - 15 July *a 1 May - 15 Sept  
Yukon - Kuskokwim Delta 1 May - 15 July 5 May - 25 July *a,b,c 20 May - 15 Sept  
Seward Peninsula   10 May - 20 July *a,c    
Northern including northern foothills of Brooks Range N/A 1 June - 31 July *a,c    
Pribilof/Bering Sea Islands   15 May - 15 July *a 15 May - 15 Sept  
Table: Nesting seasons by habitat type and region and times to avoid land disturbance and vegetation clearing.


Arctic Ocean

Vessel projects may be subject to review by NOAA/NMFS and USFWS under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). MMPA and ESA apply to waters under the jurisdiction of the United states (200 nautical miles from the coast). Under the MMPA, “take” (harassing, hunting, killing or capturing) of any marine mammal is unlawful, 80% of marine mammals are listed as threatened and endangered and additionally protected by the ESA. Depending on the species that could be impacted, USFWS and/or NOAA/NMFS will need to be consulted. In Alaska, USFWS is responsible for sea otters and marine otters, walruses and polar bears while NOAA/NMFS is responsible for pinnipeds (including seals and sea lions) and cetaceans (i.e., whales and dolphins).

Battelle ARO can assist researchers in determining if their project will be doing work in areas that could impact marine mammals, threatened and endangers species, essential fish habitat or a species critical habitat. For projects likely to have adverse effects, the consultation process could take between 6 to 7 months.

For more information on consultation with NOAA and USFWS on Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection act:

Section 7 Consultations in Alaska | NOAA Fisheries

Marine Mammals Management | Alaska Region (

Marine Mammal Protection | NOAA Fisheries

Consultation on an Endangered Species | Alaska Region (

Additionally, all vessel projects need to consider any subsistence hunting conflicts. Researchers should plan to engage with local Arctic communities to ensure the vessel track is not infringing on subsistence hunting.  

Subsistence information:

Bowhead Range and Seasonality (Source: ADFG, 2011)

Bowhead Range and Seasonality (Source: ADFG, 2011)






Research Permits in Norway

General information on the Norwegian Environment Agency

Archaeological research or research that could impact historic properties.

Marine research

Animal research

Vessel/maritime research


Helicopters, fixed-wing flights


Svaldbard Specific

For more information on permits specific to Svaldbard.